Yes, since 1993 the Foundation has filed taxes annually; they are a matter of public record.
Financial Questions
This website provides a safe and secure way to make tax-deductible donations to the Foundation by clicking here. Tax-deductible donations may also be sent to the West Linn-Wilsonville Education Foundation, 22210 SW Stafford Road, Tualatin, OR 97062. For questions concerning donations, please email
All funds raised by the Foundation are given to the WLWV School District with a Letter of Understanding that the proceeds are to be used to fund teaching positions and thereby lower class sizes within the district's fifteen schools. The School Board has acknowledged the Foundation's intent to raise money for this express purpose. The Foundation will monitor the School District's budgetary process to ensure that these funds are used in the manner intended.
The Foundation maintains a reserve balance in its general fund to help raise funds for teaching positions in the School District.
The Foundation also oversees a restricted fund, known as the Sanister Scholarship Fund, which was entrusted to the Foundation by a donor for the specific purpose of providing an annual scholarship for a graduate from West Linn High School.
Each year, the Foundation sets its financial goal for the year to help add or preserve teaching positions and support academic success in the West Linn-Wilsonville School District. In 2010-11, the Foundation was able to raise $100,000 and combine it with an additional $50,000 raised in past years, to give the West Linn-Wilsonville School District $150,000 to restore teaching positions for the 2011-12 school year. Again in 2011-12, the Foundation was able to raise another $150,000 to preserve teaching positions for the 2012-13 school year. In the 2014-15 school year, we presented a check for $123,000. In 2015-16, we had our most successful Count Me In! campaign and thanks to the generosity of our community we were able to present the School Board with a check for $137,000. The 2016-17 year we were able to donate $114,000, and in 2017-18 we gave $100,000.
Thank you to our wonderful donors!
The Foundation is dedicated to raising funds to channel to the West Linn-Wilsonville School District to redress the budget shortfalls should they arise. For current and specific information about the budget, visit the school district website at
Funds raised by the Foundation will be given to the WLWV School District to allocate in a manner that maximizes the number of teaching positions district wide. Although the Foundation cannot guarantee that any one teacher at any one school will be funded, the Foundation’s funds will be used specifically for teaching positions.